YODA is a small set of data analysis (specifically histogramming) classes
being developed by MCnet members as
a lightweight common system for MC event generator validation analyses,
particularly as the core histogramming system in Rivet.
YODA is a refreshingly clean, natural and powerful way to do histogramming... and
there are plenty of improvements still to come. Our mission is to make the most
powerful, expressive, and focused approach to binned computational data handling,
with the nicest possible balance of power and simplicity in the user interface.
We hope you'll agree it's a good thing, but if not (or even if so) please get in
touch and let us know about your thoughts, problems, and feature requests.
2025-03-07: YODA release 2.1.0
This release introduces several enhancements for performance and usability, including optional HDF5 support for HPC applications,
the ability to use either bundled or external yaml-cpp and HighFive dependencies, and improvements to the plotting machinery.
Users can now visualise overflow bins, and new regex support allows dynamic extraction of histogram name components for titles
and labels.
2025-02-09: YODA release 2.0.3
This release enhances plotting, provides effective-entry histogram outputs, adopts "python3" for all command-line tools, and
improves both variance calculations and binning estimator performance.
2024-10-28: YODA release 2.0.2
This release includes extensions to plotting customisations along with various patches and bug fixes.
2024-07-07: YODA release 2.0.1
In addition to various patches and bug fixes, this release add a whole new suite of features
to the matplotlib-based plotting machinery, such as support for inhomogeneous binning, a heuristic
for automated legend positioning or features to support for automatic scaling of uncertainty bands
to arbitrary sigma levels or for plotting only a subset of the error breakdown where available.
2023-12-22: YODA release 2.0.0
A decade after its initial release, the YODA statistical library has been redesigned
from the ground up, aiming to generalise the ideas of the first version while respecting
real-world requirements: The YODA 2 architecture is heavily based on modern C++17
template methods, guaranteeing conceptual consistency and type correctness, as well as
avoiding the code-duplication maintenance woes of the original YODA release series.
For more details see the
detailed write-up on the arXiv.
See the ChangeLog
for more details.
We recommend this version of YODA for immediate use. Please let us know of any issues
or improvement suggestions, and we will try to get them into an new version asap.
Several feature areas are under extension and redevelopment, for a soon-to-be-released
YODA version 2. Please get in touch if interested in contributing code or design ideas.
A fairly detailed description of the project status as of Dec 2023 is available
in these slides by Chris Gutschow.
2024-12-11: YODA release 1.9.11
2024-02-10: YODA release 1.9.10
2023-12-02: YODA release 1.9.9
2023-04-27: YODA release 1.9.8
2022-09-28: YODA release 1.9.7
2022-07-15: YODA release 1.9.6
2022-05-13: YODA release 1.9.5
2021-12-02: YODA release 1.9.4
2021-11-24: YODA release 1.9.3
2021-11-05: YODA release 1.9.2
2021-08-13: YODA release 1.9.1
2021-03-31: YODA release 1.9.0
The 1.9 YODA release series is an increment of 1.8 with breaking changes to the
yodamerge script, which is now much faster in particular for many large files,
but as a consequence no longer has a 'simple stacking' mode. For this the new
yodastack script has been introduced. This release also removes support for
ROOT version 5, introduces the generic Fillable, Binned, and Scatter base classes
and the fillDim() and rmPoint[s]() methods on fillables and scatters respectively,
and fixes numerous small bugs and annoyances. Version 1.9.8 introduces new plotting
facilities based on Python matplotlib.
2020-11-26: YODA release 1.8.5
2020-11-05: YODA release 1.8.4
2020-07-02: YODA release 1.8.3
2020-05-08: YODA release 1.8.2
2020-04-03: YODA release 1.8.1
2019-12-20: YODA release 1.8.0
The 1.8 YODA release series is mainly notable, among several feature additions, for
breaking compatibility with the 1.7x and earlier Python API. All @property declarations
have now been converted to normal object methods, to be called with parentheses ().
This may break user-code which is directly using the YODA API, but conversion is trivial:
just add the missing call-parentheses! Typically the error will manifest as a
message about the return type being a function rather than a float, or similar.
This change, while a bit annoying, is essential for future extensions that will pass
optional arguments to these properties. Widely used downstream codes like Rivet and
Contur have already been migrated to use the new API.
2019-06-18: YODA release 1.7.7
2019-06-07: YODA release 1.7.6
2019-05-09: YODA release 1.7.5
2018-12-10: YODA release 1.7.4
2018-09-24: YODA release 1.7.3
2018-08-23: YODA release 1.7.2
2018-08-14: YODA release 1.7.1
2017-12-21: YODA release 1.7.0
The 1.7 YODA release series sets in place several forward compatibility features with the
eventual YODA 2.0 series, such as an explicit yoda1 Python module, use of YAML for
persistent annotations, and a persistency versioning system (now on v2). YODA now also
supports zipped reading and writing of data files/streams.
In addition there have been
many small bugfixes and script/API improvements. YODA 1.7.1 supports multiple error bars
on Scatter points; version 1.7.2 improves yodadiff and enables use of the binAt() method on
const histograms; 1.7.3 fixes various minor bugs and adds more Pythonic accessors to aid
plotting via matplotlib; 1.7.4 adds features to yodadiff and yodamerge, and functionality
for assessing binning compatibility between histograms. There may be several small steps
toward a major improvement of the Python API in version 1.8.x.
See the ChangeLog
for details.
2017-06-18: YODA release 1.6.7
2016-12-13: YODA release 1.6.6
2016-09-28: YODA release 1.6.5
2016-09-25: YODA release 1.6.4
2016-08-09: YODA release 1.6.3
2016-07-06: YODA release 1.6.2
2016-04-20: YODA release 1.6.1
2016-04-20: YODA release 1.6.0
The 1.6 YODA release series moves the codebase to use C++11 and eliminate dependence on
the Boost library. We also now return NaNs from invalid statistical computations, to
allow the user to choose how to handle the result -- matplotlib will by default mask
plot elements with NaN values, for example. The C++ I/O interface has been generalised
in neat ways, and several minor bug fixes have also made their way in.
See the ChangeLog
for details.
2016-03-09: YODA release 1.5.9
2015-12-21: YODA release 1.5.8
2015-12-13: YODA release 1.5.7
2015-11-22: YODA release 1.5.6
2015-10-07: YODA release 1.5.5
2015-10-06: YODA release 1.5.4
2015-09-23: YODA release 1.5.3
2015-09-11: YODA release 1.5.2
2015-09-03: YODA release 1.5.1
2015-08-28: YODA release 1.5.0
The 1.5 release adds several new convenient ways to read and write generic collections
of analysis objects, simplifies and improves the YODA and FLAT format parsers (you
can now read Scatter3Ds... at last!), and fixes a few rare issues in histogram division
and the Python interface. The new I/O methods require Boost 1.48 or later.
The latest patch release also includes major speed improvements in the new parser,
improved 1D axis rebinning tools, and better conversion routines between YODA and
ROOT objects. See the ChangeLog
for details.
We recommend this version of YODA for immediate use. Please let us know of any issues
or improvement suggestions, and we will try to get them into an new version asap.
2015-07-01: YODA release 1.4.0
YODA 1.4.0 is now available!
This release cleans up some – but not all! – design errors that we made
early on in YODA development, such as arithmetic operations on Scatters, which assumed
special meanings of the X and Y axes. We've also improved many mappings of functions
from C++ to the Python interface and increased the function coverage: much thanks to
Adrian Buzatu for providing a comprehensive list of unmapped functions. The yodamerge
script has also been improved following a lot of discussion, and the Python read()
functions now allow "patterns" and "antipatterns" optional arguments to only load
a subset of the analysis objects in a file, via path regexes.
We recommend this version of YODA for immediate use. Please let us know of any issues
or improvement suggestions, and we will try to get them into a version 1.4.1 in time
for the Rivet 2.3.0 release by the end of July 2015.
2015-03-19: YODA release 1.3.1
YODA 1.3.1 is now available!
This is mainly a bugfix and minor improvement release, affecting internals such
as how overflow bin filling is triggered, bin edge treatment, Python interface
improvements, and better script functionality. A major change is a new yoda.plotting
Python sub-module which adds preliminary plotting functionality via the matplotlib
library -- we expect to extend and improve this substantially in future releases.
New yodacmp and yodaplot scripts are provided, which make use of this module. The
yodascale script is now also much more powerful, allowing scaling and normalisation
specific to histogram path patterns and optional bin ranges.
Compared to the 1.2.x releases, 1.3.x also provides an efficiency method for 2D
histograms, fixes statistical sanity-checking logic in efficiency calculating
routines, adds two-arg setting methods for 3D points, and a few other changes.
2014-09-30: YODA release 1.3.0
YODA 1.3.0 is now available!
This release provides an efficiency method for 2D histograms, fixes statistical
sanity checking logic in efficiency calculating routines, adds two-arg setting
methods for 3D points, and a few other changes. The major version number reflects
the still-growing API. Have fun!
2014-09-01: YODA release 1.2.1
This release includes a significant bug fix for a problem introduced in 1.2.0
for binnings starting below zero. It should only have turned up as a performance
hit, but did appear when running code in some special instrumented modes. This
version also restricts direct access to bins to be read-only, to avoid direct calls
to fill() leaving the histogram in an inconsistent state. The 1.2 series also
contains more improvements to the API, a Scatter1D type, and read/write support for
Scatter1D and Counter. I/O support for Scatter3D and for 2D outflows will come as
soon as possible.
Currently everything is being done on the bug tracker and wiki, and is
documented via Doxygen (class documentation, sure, but also design
discussion and motivation). See the left-hand nav menu for links.