import re
## A tool for filtering AO collections by path patterns
def match_aos(aos, patts, unpatts=None, search=False):
Filter a list of analysis objects to those which match given path-matching patterns.
@a patts is a regex or iterable of regexes for positive matching, i.e. retention;
@a unpatts is the equivalent for negative matching, i.e. rejection even if a patt matches.
@a search will use Python regex search mode rather than match mode, i.e. match if any
part of the path fits the regex, rather than requiring a match from the start of the path.
rtn = []
## Internally we just use the list of AOs, not dict keys
if type(aos) is dict:
aos = list(aos.values()) #< TODO: maybe iter would be ok?
## Normalise the pattern arg inputs
if patts and type(patts) is str:
patts = [patts]
re_patts = [re.compile(p) for p in patts] if patts else None
if unpatts and type(unpatts) is str:
unpatts = [unpatts]
re_unpatts = [re.compile(p) for p in unpatts] if unpatts else None
## Apply pattern matching to each AO
for ao in aos:
match = False
if re_patts:
for rp in re_patts:
if (not search and rp.match(ao.path)) or (search and
match = True
if match and re_unpatts:
for rp in re_unpatts:
if (not search and rp.match(ao.path)) or (search and
match = False
if match:
return rtn
class PointMatcher(object):
System for selecting subsets of bins based on a search range
syntax extended from Professor weight files:
Path structures:
- /path/parts/to/histo[syst_variation]@xmin:xmax
- /path/parts/to/histo[syst_variation]#nmin:nmax
TODO: Extend to multi-dimensional ranges i.e. @xmin:xmax,#nymin:nymax,...
def __init__(self, patt):
self.re_patt = re.compile(r"([^#@]+)(#\d+|@[\d\.:]+)?")
def set_patt(self, patt):
"Find path and index/pos parts of patt and assign them to object attrs"
self.patt = None
self.path = None
self.indextype = None
self.index = None
if not patt:
## Strip separated comments
patt = re.sub(r"(^|\s+)#.*", "", patt)
self.patt = patt.strip()
match = self.re_patt.match(self.patt)
if match:
self.path = re.compile(
# TODO: handle mixed-type ranges?
self.indextype, indexstr =[0],[1:]
if self.indextype:
if not ":" in indexstr:
self.index = float(indexstr)
indexstr2 = indexstr.split(":", 1)
if not indexstr2[0]: indexstr2[0] = "-inf"
if not indexstr2[1]: indexstr2[1] = "inf"
self.index = [float(istr) for istr in indexstr2]
def match_path(self, path):
return self.path.match(path) is not None
def search_path(self, path):
return is not None
def match_pos(self, p):
"""Decide if a given point p is in the match range.
p must be an object with attrs xmin, xmax, n
TODO: Use open ranges to include underflow and overflow
TODO: Allow negative indices in Python style, and use index=-1
to mean the N+1 index needed to include the last bin without
picking up the overflow, too.
TODO: Extension to multiple dimensions
if not self.indextype:
accept = True
elif self.indextype == "#":
if type(self.index) is float:
accept = (p.n == int(self.index))
accept = (p.n >= self.index[0] and p.n < self.index[1])
else: # self.indextype == "@"
if type(self.index) is float:
accept = (self.index >= p.xmin and self.index < p.xmax)
accept = (p.xmax > self.index[0] and p.xmin <= self.index[1])
return accept
def __repr__(self):
s = "PointMatcher('%s' %s %s %s)" % (self.patt, self.path, self.indextype, self.index)
return s
if __name__ == "__main__":
from . import linspace, logspace
from pprint import pprint
import math
class Point(object):
def __init__(self, path, n, xmin, xmax, value=None):
self.path = path
self.n = n #< bin index
self.xmin = xmin
self.xmax = xmax
self.value = value
def __repr__(self):
val = " = {}".format(self.value) if self.value else ""
return "Point({} #{:d} {:.2e}--{:.2e}{})".format(self.path, self.n, self.xmin, self.xmax, val)
xs = linspace(5, 0, 10)
POINTS += [Point("/foo", i, xs[i], xs[i+1]) for i in range(len(xs)-1)]
xs = linspace(50, 0, 100)
POINTS += [Point("/bar", i, xs[i], xs[i+1]) for i in range(len(xs)-1)]
xs = linspace(20, 0, math.pi)
POINTS += [Point("/baz/pi", i, xs[i], xs[i+1]) for i in range(len(xs)-1)]
xs = logspace(20, 0.1, 50)
POINTS += [Point("/baz/log", i, xs[i], xs[i+1]) for i in range(len(xs)-1)]
pms = [PointMatcher("/foo # this bit is a comment"),
PointMatcher("/bar#1 # this bit is a comment"),
PointMatcher("/baz/pi@2.76 # this bit is a comment"),
PointMatcher("/baz/.*@:1.32 # this bit is a comment"),
PointMatcher("/baz/.*@2.76: # this bit is a comment")]
for pm in pms:
print(pm.patt, pm.indextype, pm.index)
pprint( [p for p in POINTS if pm.match_path(p.path) and pm.match_pos(p)] )