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YODA - Yet more Objects for Data Analysis 2.0.3
BinningUtils.h File Reference
#include <type_traits>
#include <string>

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struct  YODA::TypeID< T >
 Returns the type ID as a character sequence. More...
struct  YODA::TypeID< std::string >
 Specialisation for type string. More...


namespace  YODA
 Anonymous namespace to limit visibility.


Helper methods to probe continuous/discrete axis properties.
template<typename... EdgeT>
using YODA::all_CAxes = typename std::conjunction< std::is_floating_point< EdgeT >... >
template<typename... EdgeT>
using YODA::enable_if_all_CAxisT = std::enable_if_t< all_CAxes< EdgeT... >::value >
 Checks if all edge types are continuous.
template<typename EdgeT >
using YODA::enable_if_CAxisT = std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point< EdgeT >::value, EdgeT >
 Checks if edge type is continuous and returns edge type.
template<typename EdgeT >
using YODA::enable_if_DAxisT = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_floating_point< EdgeT >::value, EdgeT >
 Checks if edge type is discrete and returns edge type.


Helper methods to stringify edge types
template<typename A , typename... As>
std::string YODA::mkAxisConfig ()
 Helper function to construct the axis config.
template<ssize_t DbnN, typename A , typename... As>
std::string YODA::mkTypeString ()
 Helper function to construct the BinnedDbn and BinnedEstimate type names.
template<typename A , typename... As>
std::string YODA::mkTypeString ()
 Same as above, but for non-Dbn bin contents.