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YODA - Yet more Objects for Data Analysis 2.0.3
Binning.h File Reference
#include "YODA/BinnedAxis.h"
#include "YODA/Utils/MetaUtils.h"
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <array>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  YODA::Binning< Axes >


namespace  YODA
 Anonymous namespace to limit visibility.


template<typename CoordT >
double YODA::nullifyIfDiscCoord (CoordT &&, std::false_type, double null=0.0)
 Nullifies coordinate if it is discrete.
template<typename CoordT >
double YODA::nullifyIfDiscCoord (CoordT &&coord, std::true_type, double=0.0)
template<typename... Args>
bool YODA::containsNan (const std::tuple< Args... > &coords)
 Checks if a coordinate tuple has a nan.