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YODA - Yet more Objects for Data Analysis 2.1.0
IO.h File Reference
#include "YODA/Writer.h"
#include "YODA/Reader.h"

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namespace  YODA
 Anonymous namespace to limit visibility.


Writer functions to files (with automatic format detection)
void YODA::write (const std::string &filename, const AnalysisObject &ao, int precision=-1)
 Write out object ao to file filename.
template<typename RANGE >
void YODA::write (const std::string &filename, const RANGE &aos, int precision=-1)
 Write out a collection of objects objs to file filename.
template<typename AOITER >
void YODA::write (const std::string &filename, const AOITER &begin, const AOITER &end, int precision=-1)
Writer functions to streams (with explicit format specification)
void YODA::write (std::ostream &os, const AnalysisObject &ao, const std::string &fmt, int precision=-1)
 Write out object ao to stream os with format fmt.
template<typename RANGE >
void YODA::write (std::ostream &os, const RANGE &aos, const std::string &fmt, int precision=-1)
 Write out a collection of objects objs to file filename.
template<typename AOITER >
void YODA::write (std::ostream &os, const AOITER &begin, const AOITER &end, const std::string &fmt, int precision=-1)
Reader functions from files (with automatic format detection)
void YODA::read (const std::string &filename, std::vector< AnalysisObject * > &aos, const std::string &match="", const std::string &unmatch="")
 Read in a collection of objects objs from file filename.
std::vector< AnalysisObject * > YODA::read (const std::string &filename, const std::string &match="", const std::string &unmatch="")
 Read in a collection of objects from file filename.
Reader functions from streams (with explicit format specification)
void YODA::read (std::istream &is, std::vector< AnalysisObject * > &aos, const std::string &fmt, const std::string &match="", const std::string &unmatch="")
 Read in a collection of objects objs from stream is, expecting format fmt.
std::vector< AnalysisObject * > YODA::read (std::istream &is, const std::string &fmt, const std::string &match="", const std::string &unmatch="")
 Read in a collection of objects from stream is, expecting format fmt.