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YODA - Yet more Objects for Data Analysis 2.0.3
YODA::XAxisMixin< Derived, EdgeT > Member List

This is the complete list of members for YODA::XAxisMixin< Derived, EdgeT >, including all inherited members.

numBinsX(const bool includeOverflows=false) constYODA::XAxisMixin< Derived, EdgeT >inline
rebinX(unsigned int n, size_t begin=1, size_t end=UINT_MAX)YODA::XAxisMixin< Derived, EdgeT >inline
rebinX(const std::vector< double > &newedges)YODA::XAxisMixin< Derived, EdgeT >inline
rebinXBy(unsigned int n, size_t begin=1, size_t end=UINT_MAX)YODA::XAxisMixin< Derived, EdgeT >inline
rebinXTo(const std::vector< double > &newedges)YODA::XAxisMixin< Derived, EdgeT >inline
xEdges(const bool includeOverflows=false) constYODA::XAxisMixin< Derived, EdgeT >inline
xMax() constYODA::XAxisMixin< Derived, EdgeT >inline
xMin() constYODA::XAxisMixin< Derived, EdgeT >inline
xWidths(const bool includeOverflows=false) constYODA::XAxisMixin< Derived, EdgeT >inline