template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > | YODA::operator+ (BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > first, BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &&second) |
| Add two BinnedDbn objects.
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > | YODA::operator+ (BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > first, const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &second) |
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > | YODA::operator- (BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > first, BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &&second) |
| Subtract one BinnedDbn object from another.
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > | YODA::operator- (BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > first, const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &second) |
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::divide (const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &numer, const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &denom) |
| Divide two BinnedDbn objects.
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::operator/ (const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &numer, const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &denom) |
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::operator/ (const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &numer, BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &&denom) |
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::operator/ (BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &&numer, const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &denom) |
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::operator/ (BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &&numer, BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &&denom) |
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::efficiency (const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &accepted, const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &total) |
| Calculate a binned efficiency ratio of two BinnedDbn objects.
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::asymm (const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &a, const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &b) |
| Calculate the asymmetry (a-b)/(a+b) of two BinnedDbn objects.
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::mkIntegral (const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &histo, const bool includeOverflows=true) |
| Convert a BinnedDbn to a BinnedEstimate representing the integral of the histogram.
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::mkIntegralEff (const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &histo, const bool includeOverflows=true) |
| Convert a BinnedDbn to a BinnedEstimate where each bin is a fraction of the total.
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::add (const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &dbn, const BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > &est) |
| Calculate the addition of a BinnedDbn with a BinnedEstimate.
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::operator+ (const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &dbn, const BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > &est) |
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::operator+ (BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &&dbn, const BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > &est) |
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::operator+ (const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &dbn, BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > &&est) |
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::operator+ (BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &&dbn, BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > &&est) |
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::subtract (const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &dbn, const BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > &est) |
| Calculate the subtraction of a BinnedEstimate from a BinnedDbn.
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::operator- (const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &dbn, const BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > &est) |
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::operator- (BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &&dbn, const BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > &est) |
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::operator- (const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &dbn, BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > &&est) |
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::operator- (BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &&dbn, BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > &&est) |
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::divide (const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &dbn, const BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > &est) |
| Calculate the division of a BinnedDbn and a BinnedEstimate.
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::operator/ (const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &dbn, const BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > &est) |
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::operator/ (BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &&dbn, const BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > &est) |
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::operator/ (const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &dbn, BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > &&est) |
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT> |
BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > | YODA::operator/ (BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &&dbn, BinnedEstimate< AxisT... > &&est) |
template<size_t DbnN, typename... AxisT, typename... Args, typename = std::enable_if_t<(DbnN == sizeof...(AxisT)+1 && (std::is_same_v<BinnedDbn<DbnN, AxisT...>, Args> && ...))>> |
ScatterND< sizeof...(Args)+1 > | YODA::zipProfiles (const BinnedDbn< DbnN, AxisT... > &p1, Args &&... others, const std::string &path="") |
| Zip profile objects of the same type into a combined scatter object.