| PointND (double x, double y, double ex=0.0, double ey=0.0) |
| Constructor from values with optional symmetric errors.
| PointND (double x, double y, double exminus, double explus, double eyminus, double eyplus) |
| Constructor from values with explicit asymmetric errors.
| PointND (double x, double y, const std::pair< double, double > &ex, const std::pair< double, double > &ey) |
| Constructor from values with asymmetric errors on both x and y.
| PointND (const BaseT &other) |
| Copy constructor.
| PointND (BaseT &&other) |
| Move constructor.
void | scaleXY (double scalex, double scaley) |
| Scaling of both axes.
size_t | dim () const |
| Space dimension of the point.
| PointBase () |
| PointBase (ValRange &&val) |
| Constructor from position values without errors.
| PointBase (ValRange &&val, PairRange &&errs) |
| Constructor from values and a set of asymmetric errors.
| PointBase (ValRange &&val, ValRange &&errs) |
| Constructor from values and a set of symmetric errors.
| PointBase (ValRange &&val, ValRange &&errsdn, ValRange &&errsup) |
| Constructor from values and a set of asymmetric errors.
| PointBase (const PointBase &p) |
| PointBase (PointBase &&p) |
void | clear () |
| Clear the point values and errors.
PointBase & | operator= (const PointBase &p) |
| Assignment operator.
PointBase & | operator= (PointBase &&p) |
| Assignment operator.
NdVal & | vals () |
| Get the coordinate vector.
const NdVal & | vals () const |
| Get the coordinate vector (const version)
double | val (size_t i) const |
| Get the value along direction i.
void | setVal (const NdVal &val) |
| Set the coordinate vector.
void | setVal (const size_t i, const double val) |
| Set a specific coordinate.
NdValPair & | errs () |
| Get error values.
const NdValPair & | errs () const |
| Get error values (const version)
Pair | errs (const size_t i) const |
| Get error values along axis i.
double | errMinus (const size_t i) const |
| Get the minus error along axis i.
double | errPlus (const size_t i) const |
| Get the plus error along axis i.
double | errAvg (const size_t i) const |
double | min (const size_t i) const |
| Get value minus negative error along axis i.
double | max (const size_t i) const |
| Get value plus positive error along axis i.
void | setErr (const size_t i, const double e) |
| Set a symmetric error pair along axis i.
void | setErrs (const size_t i, const double eminus, const double eplus) |
| Set an asymmetric error pair along axis i.
void | setErrs (const size_t i, const std::pair< double, double > &e) |
| Set a specific error pair along axis i.
void | setErrMinus (const size_t i, const double eminus) |
| Set a specific minus error along axis i.
void | setErrPlus (const size_t i, const double eplus) |
| Set a specific plus error along axis i.
void | set (const size_t i, const double val, const double e) |
| Set value and symmetric error for direction i.
void | set (const size_t i, const double val, const double eminus, const double eplus) |
| Set value and asymmetric error for direction i.
void | set (const size_t i, const double val, const std::pair< double, double > &e) |
| Set value and asymmetric error for direction i.
void | scaleVal (const size_t i, const double scale) |
| Scaling value along direction i.
void | scaleErr (const size_t i, const double scale) |
| Scaling error along direction i.
void | scale (const size_t i, const double scale) |
| Scaling along direction i.
void | scale (const NdVal &scales) |
| Uniform scaling.
void | scale (const Trf< N > &trf) |
| Generalised transformations with functors.
void | scale (const size_t i, const Trf< N > &trf) |
void | transform (const size_t i, const Trf< N > &trf) |
virtual | ~Point () |
| Virtual destructor for inheritance.
double | x () const |
| Get x value.
void | setX (double x) |
| Set the x value.
void | setX (double x, double ex) |
| Set x value and symmetric error.
void | setX (double x, double exminus, double explus) |
| Set x value and asymmetric error.
void | setX (double x, std::pair< double, double > &ex) |
| Set x value and asymmetric error.
std::pair< double, double > | xErrs () const |
| Get x error pair.
double | xErrMinus () const |
| Get minus x error.
double | xErrPlus () const |
| Get plus x error.
double | xErrAvg () const |
void | setXErrMinus (double err) |
| Set the minus x errors.
void | setXErrPlus (double err) |
| Set the plus x errors.
void | setXErr (double ex) |
| Set symmetric x error.
void | setXErrs (double ex) |
| Set symmetric x error (alias)
void | setXErrs (double errminus, double errplus) |
| Set the x errors.
void | setXErrs (std::pair< double, double > errs) |
| Set the x errors.
double | xMin () const |
| Get value minus negative x-error.
double | xMax () const |
| Get value plus positive x-error.
void | scaleX (double scalex) |
| Scaling of x axis.
double | y () const |
| Get y value.
void | setY (double y) |
| Set the y value.
std::pair< double, double > | xy () const |
void | setXY (double x, double y) |
| Set x and y values.
void | setXY (const std::pair< double, double > &xy) |
| Set x and y values.
void | setY (double y, double ey) |
| Set y value and symmetric error.
void | setY (double y, double eyminus, double eyplus) |
| Set y value and asymmetric error.
void | setY (double y, std::pair< double, double > &ey) |
| Set y value and asymmetric error.
std::pair< double, double > | yErrs () const |
| Get y error pair.
double | yErrMinus () const |
| Get minus y error.
double | yErrPlus () const |
| Get plus y error.
double | yErrAvg () const |
void | setYErrMinus (double err) |
| Set the minus y errors.
void | setYErrPlus (double err) |
| Set the plus y errors.
void | setYErr (double ey) |
| Set symmetric y error.
void | setYErrs (double ey) |
| Set symmetric y error (alias)
void | setYErrs (double errminus, double errplus) |
| Set the y errors.
void | setYErrs (std::pair< double, double > errs) |
| Set the y errors.
double | yMin () const |
| Get value minus negative y-error.
double | yMax () const |
| Get value plus positive y-error.
void | scaleY (double scaley) |
| Scaling of y axis.
A 2D data point to be contained in a Scatter2D.
Definition at line 604 of file Point.h.